Welcome to the former 
Mariner Kayaks' website

Serving sea kayakers since 1980.

Most recent website update: 12/9/2015

Stolen Kayaks Spreadsheet Link (click here)
(Note: there is also a link to a Stolen Kayak Table in the sidebar, but the Excel spreadsheet download link above is now, as of 2015, more up-to-date and will replace the table linked to on the sidebar because it is hugely less time consuming for me to update)

 JASON 35 SAILBOAT FOR SALE (click here):
(The above link will download an MS Word file with the details about this sailboat and lots of photos--so it might take a little while to download)
Interested in this Jason 35? 
Contact Cam at noremac63@hotmail.com

Note: The above e-mail address is just for this sailboat. Mariner Kayaks' e-mail address is still marinerkayaks@msn.com


(Note: If you've arrived here via a link to a page on this website and find there is no blue Mariner sidebar to the left of this page please click here

NOTICE: Mariner Kayaks is not presently selling kayaks and accessories. Matt and Cam Broze are enjoying some long needed free time. Even though we have closed our retail store we retain all rights to Mariner designs, kayak model names, and this website. We will try to keep this website open for our former customers and other kayakers who would like to access the extensive information and sea kayaking manuals it contains. I (Matt) will also endeavor to keep the Stolen Kayak Database up to date. I also still welcome questions from Mariner owners, potential Mariner owners (used kayaks) and other kayakers who have read parts of this website and have some questions they think I might be able to answer. I enjoy talking to kayakers, but just don't want to do it full time (and then finish kayaks and arrange shipping for them anymore). As a public service I also keep a list of anyone wanting a Mariner kayak model and pass on the names and contact information to owners who contact me about selling their Mariner of that model. If I'm not out enjoying my free time I can be reached at 206-367-2831 or by e-mail at <marinerkayaks@msn.com> (I'll try to get back to you ASAP if you leave a message). 

In order to save me time and trouble this website will stay pretty much as it was when we were last actively selling kayaks even though some parts and wording may no longer be relevant. The price list page has been modified to suggest where some of the less common accessory items for Mariner kayaks might still be purchased now that we are no longer selling them retail. We have endeavored to keep Mariner Kayaks' designed float bags available in the marketplace because our former customers (and the buyers of used Mariner models) may need them in the future and float bags that are big enough for sea kayaks are not available in most kayak shops. Also, check the price list page for how to order spraydecks and hatch cover neoprene gaskets that are custom made for Mariner cockpits and hatches (or for Mariner Sliding Seat cockpits, which are different from the fixed-seat spraydecks). 

Those wishing to acquire any Mariner Kayaks model (new or used) should contact Matt with the model name and their name, address, and phone number so that if Mariner designs ever become available again (or I become aware of a used one available) you can be contacted. 

The decade long neglected Testimonials page has finally been brought up to date as of 7/23/2010.

Now back to the old (and now possibly out of date) website copy:

We design and are the exclusive dealers for Mariner Sea Touring Kayaks. We strive to offer the best designs and the best construction quality, in the industry.  Our goal is to provide sea kayakers with accurate detailed information as well as the best in sea kayaks

Unlike most manufacturers, one  perfectionist builder, with many years of kayak building experience, completely builds every one of our sea kayaks himself. This, of course, limits our production capacity and is one of the reasons we only sell directly to paddlers rather than to kayak dealers. One benefit of operating this way is that you won't  find better construction quality in a composite kayak anywhere else. During the first decade after we began making sea kayaks and selling accessories (in 1980) most of the accessory builders were one man operations and the quality (of those we dealt anyway) was consistently first rate. As the industry grew larger and these same companies took on employees and grew larger we watched the consistency and quality of those same products diminish greatly. As a general rule, the bigger a company got the more problems they had (and as their dealer we had to deal with). This was frustrating, but there wasn't much we could do about it other than for Cam and I to stay small, personally inspect all the products we were selling before they got to the customer, and complain about poor quality and make suggestions for improvements to the builders of accessories (and the other sea kayak models we sold). The real nightmare came when some of our parts suppliers were taken over by the big corporate companies during the wave of consolidation in the late 1990's. It was hard for some of them to even get the orders filled correctly, much less keep up a high level of quality. We hope to keep our present perfectionistic builder as busy as he would like to be, but not so busy he needs to expand and hire employees.

 Click “Contact Us” here (or on the sidebar) or call 206-367-2831 (any day from noon to midnight Pacific time) to let us know of your interest. If you get a tape message please leave your name,  phone numbers, the state you are calling from, and the best times (your local time) to reach you at those numbers.

A quick guide to this website:
Design provides a detailed overview of our thinking regarding sea kayak design.
explains our sea kayak models individually along with their features, dimensions, and hydrostatics.
Dimensions collects the brief descriptions of features, dimensions and hydrostatics of all our current and earlier kayak models in one place.
Model History explains how and why each past and current kayak came to be and to whom it is most suited. There are some b&w kayak photos here as well.
contains all of the Sea Kayaker magazine kayak reviews for sea kayaks we designed. Sea Kayaker (RIP) did by far the most complete, comprehensive and accurate sea kayak reviews available.
contains our kayak paddling skills guide and detailed manuals regarding sea kayak safety, sea kayak rescues, flotation, and kayaking equipment. Regardless of your skill level, or what sea kayak you paddle, we think you will discover valuable information in these kayaking manuals, much of which you won't find anywhere else.
About Us, explains who we are and how we did business.
Price List contains our retail accessory catalog and Mariner kayak prices.
Paddles has an analysis of what makes a great sea kayak paddle, the reasons we chose the sea kayaking paddles we sold, as well as weights, and blade sizes.
Stolen Kayaks contains a database of kayaks reported lost or stolen nationwide. Also, there is information on how to minimize your chances of becoming a victim of theft and how to report kayak thefts. We have maintained this stolen kayak database since 1995 to make it harder for thieves to operate, discover their methods, and to increase the odds stolen kayaks will be recovered and kayak thieves prosecuted. Many kayaks have been recovered because of our list. If you know anyone who has had any kayak stolen anywhere (even years ago) please contact us by mail, phone, or E-mail and report it.
Construction, Outfitting, Testimonials, FAQ, Photo Gallery, and Send Comments are self explanatory.

Other features: 
Out-of-print back issues of Sea Kayaker magazine, even full sets (158 issues from the first issue in 1984 through the last issue in 2014) are now (still) available. Click Sea Kayaker Back Issues  here for details (or Out-of-Print SK Mag. on the sidebar).
You can also download the Excel spreadsheets that Mariner Kayak's Matt Broze developed to aid Sea Kayaker magazine's hull drag predictions. This version brings the archives of kayak drag results with all of Sea Kayaker's drag results through the Feb. 2003 issue (about 75 sea kayaks total). Using one of Robert Livingston's sophisticated BEARBOAT kayak and canoe design programs and one of these drag spreadsheets you can design your own kayak and calculate its predicted drag (or use the spreadsheet to find the parameters that result in the lowest drag and design your kayak hull using those parameters.
Using the drag archives you can also compare your own sea kayak hull design with about 75 existing commercial sea kayak designs. (2012 update: BearboatSP is available to download for free on the internet at http://bearboat.net/BearboatSP.html and Matt's hull drag spreadsheet is now integrated into to the BearboatSP program)

For questions about our sea kayaking products,  please call  (206) 367-2831 (from noon to midnight Pacific time any day of the week) or E-mail Matt at marinerkayaks@msn.com. We find a conversation on the phone is usually the most efficient means to answer questions about our kayaks and accessories in as much detail as you would like to hear. Thanks for understanding. As always, I promise I won't subject you to what we call "Voice Mail Hell" when you phone. Rather, you will most likely be talking immediately to owner/designer Matt Broze.

©copyright 2015
Matt Broze & Cam Broze
Mariner Kayaks


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